“In a hyper-connected world in which ‘work’ and ‘life’ aren’t so much balanced as they are increasingly integrated – employers must take a ‘whole life approach to their staff’s health’ (Institute of Directors: Policy Report March 2017)*
What does this mean in practice?
Don’t know where to begin or what this means in practice? Mental Health in business is a regular current affairs topic and one that increasingly looks to business leaders to own, invest and to authentically support Wellbeing in their organization. It further suggests that our everyday mindsets must shift from one that relates a duty of care to Physical Health and Safety to one that now also includes responsibility for an employee’s Mental Health.
LCGPeople can take a lead on deciphering and resourcing best fit policy, practices and training needs for you. We will align to the Government policy and research led guidance, also supported and shared by Professional Business Institutions such as the IOD so that you can be sure that your organization is in-tune with the industry thought leadership.
We can work with you to create a Wellbeing strategy and a bespoke solution to create a value driven culture shift. One that can enable an environment that will improve engagement, resilience, retention and ultimately improve employee and business performance.
We place a real focus, energy and interest in helping companies to build a sustainable internal support network, on educating managers on how they can play a crucial role in “how to have conversations” to shift mindsets towards an open and no stigma dialogue when it comes to discussing Mental Health.
We hope that you will share our enthusiasm to help with positive change to the combination of work and life and will get in touch to find out more.
Stacey Lambert MCIPD, Dip.Couns, MBACP
*For further reading on the IOD Policy – Mental Health in the Changing World of Work, please visit www.IOD.com